Advisory Board

The Martial Arts Studies Association is advised by an international advisory board. Our advisory board works with us to ensure the growing diversity and depth of scholarship in the field of martial arts studies.

Oleg Benesch
University of York

Paul Bowman
Cardiff University

Stephen Chan
SOAS, University of London

Alex Channon
University of Brighton

D.S. Farrer
University of Guam

Adam Frank
University of Central Arkansas

Thomas A. Green
Texas A&M University

Lauren Miller Griffith
Texas Tech University

Daniel Jaquet
University of Geneva

Benjamin N. Judkins
Cornell University

Jean-François Loudcher
University of Bordeaux

Gina Marchetti
Pratt Institute

Michael A. Molasky
Waseda University

Andrea Molle
Chapman University

Meaghan Morris
The University of Sydney

Daniel Mroz
University of Ottawa

Benjamin Spatz
Huddersfield University

Dale Spencer
Carleton University

Sixt Wetzler
German Blade Museum, Solingen

Luke White
Middlesex University

Douglas Wile
Alverno College

Phillip Zarrilli
Exeter University, Emeritus

Gehao Zhang
Macau University of Science and Technology