
Martial Arts Studies Conference 2025 (Postponed)

The hardcore who made it to the very end of the 2024 conference. Lots had already left to catch trains and planes.

Cardiff University, United Kingdom

A decade ago, we asked:

This year, we are still interested in such questions, and we would love to construct some panels that engage directly with them.

In addition, we are also interested in such questions as:

However, we do not want to be restrictive. So, the conference remains open to presentations on any theme relevant to the interdisciplinary research nexus of martial arts studies.

This means we welcome proposals for 20-minute papers (or 3-paper panels) on any topic relevant to contemporary martial arts studies.

To give your proposal the best chance of being accepted, please ensure that you are clear on how your paper will contribute to current debates in martial arts studies and which relevant literature and/or methodologies it engages with or develops

To submit an abstract

Email one Word Document to Paul Bowman ( The document must contain:

Location and Venue

The conference will be held in Cardiff University’s world-renowned School of Journalism, Media & Culture (JOMEC)

NB: for those who attended our first conferences in Cardiff, please note that the physical location of JOMEC has moved since then. We are now located in the city centre (2 Central Square, Cardiff, CF10 1FS), in a purpose-built, state-of-the-art building, directly opposite Cardiff Central Station, close to the Millennium Stadium, and next door to the BBC

This location has everything that Cardiff City Centre has to offer right on the doorstep, including of course a large number of hotels

Address: Cardiff School of Journalism, Media & Culture (JOMEC). 2 Central Square, Cardiff, CF10 1FS

Programme and Events

Our programme and information about other events will be added asap, so please check here for info.

Registration and Prices

Registration is via Eventbrite – here

We understand that these are straitened times, so we have reduced the price of the conference this year. This year, standard registration is only £150 (plus Eventbrite charge – sorry)

We also want to support the attendance of students, those on low wages, those from the global south, and those who can only attend one day or less

Accordingly, we request that those who work in academia or who are in full-time employment pay the standard registration fee.

Student, unemployed, and single-day registration

We encourage students, people on low wages, those from the global south, or those who can only attend one day, etc. to contact Paul directly to discuss what level of financial contribution they might be able to make

To discuss a reduced price, email Paul at

Once a level of contribution has been agreed, please pay that via the ‘donation’ option so that a ticket can be issued

We request that students register for the conference using their university, college or school email address, in order to evidence the claim of student status

Sponsorship and Donations

This is a not-for-profit educational event which aspires to cover as many costs as possible for students, so we are keen to discuss the possibility of donations and/or sponsorship

Should any individual, company or institution wish to sponsor this event, perhaps in return for appropriate advertising, brochures or (e.g.) a publisher’s stall, please contact Paul at

NB: we reserve the right to decline sponsorship from inappropriate individuals or entities

A Not-For-Profit Event

This conference is self-funding and non-profit

It is priced solely to cover essential costs, such as catering

The price has been set as low as possible. It covers refreshments throughout each day, buffet lunches, and access to all academic events

Social Events

There will be a conference dinner and social event on the evening of 11th June. This is not included in the registration price and will advertised and charged separately

There will also (as always) be informal social events on the other evenings of the conference. There should also be some options for training together, and hopefully at least one demonstration and/or workshop

Headline Schedule Information

The event takes place in the School of Journalism, Media and Culture, which is located in front of Cardiff Central Train Station, next door to the BBC. It is approximately 1-2 minutes’ walk from Cardiff Central Train Station

There are numerous hotels, to match any budget, in walking distance from the conference venue

A full schedule will be sent in advance to everyone registered for the conference

All formal conference activities (presentations, panels, keynotes, etc.) will conclude each day by 5pm. Social events will be available afterwards

We understand that many participants are also practicing martial artists who would like to train together, so there may also be options available for this, but details cannot be confirmed yet (and the organiser is open to suggestions for suitable venues, demonstrations, displays or workshops, etc.)


Professor Paul Bowman:

Registration: click here